Once your article has passed peer review and is ready for publication, we will help you through the final steps to bring it to completion. These steps include formatting your article using the Common Ground template, then final typesetting of your article.
Once your article proposal has been reviewed you will be notified of the decision.
If your proposal is accepted, at this point, you will be asked to submit the full article, and it will receive an initial editorial check.
Next, your article will move into the peer review phase. This process is anonymous—we do not provide identifying information about the author or reviewers. (Please be sure to remove identifying information from submissions, such as author self-citations.) Each article is assigned to two reviewers with editorial experience and/or relevant expertise. After your article is reviewed, you will receive the reviewers’ feedback and publication recommendations.
To begin the process, submit an article proposal. At this point you do not need to submit the article itself, but you will need the following: short/long descriptions, keywords, focus, themes, and biographical information.
If your article is an extension of a presentation from the International Conference on Learning and your presentation proposal has been reviewed and accepted, then you can move directly to the next step.