Please send your abstracts and papers to:

Selected papers will be considered for publication in the following journals:
The PENDETA journal is an annual journal dedicated to publishing original research and theory based articles as well as exploratory papers on Malay language, Malay studies, literature, linguistics, culture, education and pedagogy. The aim of the PENDETA journal is to serve as an international forum for academicians, researchers, theorists, practitioners and policy makers to promote, share, collaborate and discuss various new issues and developments in the Malay Language.
All manuscripts must be prepared in English or Malay Language and will be subjected to a rigorous peer-review process.
The Asian Journal of English Language and Pedagogy (AJELP)* is a refereed publication which serves as a platform to promote scholarly discussions and collaborative networking among academicians, researchers, theorists, practitioners, and policy-makers of English studies. AJELP highlights current trends in English language, literature, linguistics and pedagogy in Asia and other international contexts. Published annually, the journal welcomes research and theory based articles as well as exploratory papers.
* AJELP was previously published under the title The English Language Journal (ELJ)

Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (MJLI) is a Scopus®-indexed, double-blind peer reviewed, international academic journal published biannually by Universiti Utara Malaysia. The aims of the journal are to communicate research and stimulate discussion, study and critique of teaching and learning, and to encourage scholarly writing on learning and instruction.
Coverage of MJLI includes, but is not limited to critical examination of ecosystems and issues surrounding the processes of meaningful teaching and learning and better educational practices. These could be addressed at micro level (e.g., innovative modes of delivery, instructional design and technology, learning engagement, instructional settings) or at macro level (e.g., motivation, engaging curriculum, impact of socio-psychological and cultural factors on learning).